For every $1 of net proceeds:
   We pledge to enroll one youth into a meaningful, learner-centered education program,
and enable each one a first rate access to key resources essential to driving the learning process. 

   Our Goal is to reach 100 million young people directly, in over 85 countries, on all seven continents, by 2025
There is a Growing Feeling Today... 
That Something Is Terribly Wrong With Our Education System
We send our children to school to prepare them for the real world - which is changing very, very quickly... 

 - but our schools haven't changed much for hundreds of years.

It is now a widely popular opinion among thought leaders and of experts in the field of education  that our current system was designed for the industrial age, mainly to churn out factory workers. This industrial age mentality of mass production, and mass control, still runs deep in our schools today, in nearly every country.


 We are educating our children by batches, and governing their lives by ringing bells. All day long, students do nothing but follow instruction. 

At school, they are rewarded for doing exactly as they are told.

These industrial age values were really important for factory workers as their success depended on following instructions, and doing just that: 
exactly what they were told.

The question is:  In today's world, how far can you get simply by following instructions?

The modern world values people who can be creative, communicate their ideas, and collaborate with others. But our children aren't getting the chance to develop such skills.


  At school, our children experience a complete lack of autonomy & control. Every minute of a child's life is tightly controlled by a regimented itinerary.

In today's world, if you are doing important work, then you are managing your own time.

You are making your own decisions regarding what to do, and when to do it... but life at school looks very different.

The system is sending a dangerous message to our children:

That they are not in charge of their own lives;  they are only to follow whatever is laid down, instead of taking initiative, and making the most out of the resources they have. Experts believe autonomy is incredibly important for children, so it is no wonder then that children are bored and demotivated by school.

Can you imagine how you would feel if you were told exactly what to do for every moment of your life?


Most of the learning that happens in school today is not authentic because it relies on memorization.

The system defines a generic set of knowledge that all children must know, and then every few months, we  measure how much has been maintained by administering exams. 

We know that such learning is not authentic because most of it is gone the day after the exam.

Learning can be much deeper and much more authentic. It can be so much more than just memorization and retention...

  - but that's the only thing we measure... and test scores seem to be the only thing we value.

This has created an extremely unhealthy culture for students, parents, and teachers, and children are going through endless hours of tuitions, staying up all night memorizing useless facts that they will soon forget.


   We have an extremely standardized system where each child must learn the same thing, at the same time, in the same way, as everyone else. 
This doesn't respect the basic fact of being human. Each of us is unique and different in our own way. We all have different passions and interests, and the key to fulfillment in life is to find your passion.

But do the schools of today help our children find and develop their passion?

There seems to be  no room in the current education system for the most important questions in a child's life:  

                     What am I good at?  
                     What do I want to do in life? 
                     How do I fit in to this world? 

                     The system doesn't seem to care.

There are so many greatly talented people who failed in the traditional school system, and went on to accomplish incredible things. We have no measure for how much talent and how much potential goes unrecognized in the current school system today.


Each of us is also different in how we learn, in how much time we take to learn something, and what tools and resources work best for us;
however, the system allows no room for such differences.

So if a child is a bit slow at learning something, they are considered a failure... 

                                                                                                                                                              - when, perhaps all they might have needed, was a little more time.


In the current system, children are lectured for more than 5 hours per day, but there are a few big problems with lecturing...

Sal Khan (Khan Academy) calls lecturing "a fundamentally dehumanizing experience... thirty kids with fingers on their lips not allowed to interact with each other". In any given classroom, different students are at different levels of understanding, so no matter what the teacher does, there are bound to be students who are either bored because they are ahead, or confused because they are behind

Because of the internet, and digital media, our children have, at their fingertips, all of the information in the world. Technology has made it possible for anyone to learn anything, but for fear of losing control, the system is not leveraging these incredible resources.


Our system of education, which evolved in the industrial age, has become outdated and ineffective.

If we want to prepare our children for the modern world... if we want learning to be effective and engaging, 
then there is no doubt that we need to fundamentally change our system of education.

In loving memory of  our dear friend, inspiration, and mentor, the late, great Sir Ken Robinson
"Changing Paradigms"  - Sir Ken Robinson 
     (a BIG thanks to the RSA for this sponsored content:)
A New York Times bestselling author, he led national and international projects on creative and cultural education across the world, unlocking and igniting the creative energy of people and organizations. Sir Ken Robinson was the most watched speaker in TED’s history, with his 2006 talk ‘Do Schools Kill Creativity?’ being viewed online over 60 million times and seen by an estimated 380 million people in 160 countries.
He was named as one of Time/Fortune/CNN’s ‘Principal Voices’; acclaimed by Fast Company magazine as one of ‘the world’s elite thinkers on creativity and innovation’ and ranked in the Thinkers50 list of the world’s top business thinkers. In 2003, he received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II for his services to the arts. We will be posting further updates as we honour his legacy, and help to facilitate the unfolding of Sir Ken Robinson’s vision.
For every $1 of net proceeds:
  We pledge to enroll one youth into meaningful learner centered education
and enable first rate access to key resources essential to driving the learning process. 

   Our Goal is to reach 100 million youth directly, in over 85 countries, on all seven continents, by 2025
There is a Growing Feeling Today... 
That Something Is Terribly Wrong With Our Education System
We send our children to school to prepare them for the real world - which is changing very, very quickly... 

- but our schools haven't changed much for hundreds of years.

It is now a widely popular opinion among thought leaders and of experts in the field  that our current system was designed for the industrial age, mainly to churn out factory workers. 

This industrial age mentality of mass production, and mass control, still runs deep in our schools today, in nearly every country.


  We are educating our children by batches, and governing their lives by ringing bells. All day long, students do nothing but follow instruction. At school, they are rewarded for doing exactly as they are told.

These industrial age values were really important for factory workers  as their success depended on following instructions, and doing exactly what they were told...

The question is: In today's world, how far can you get simply by following instructions?

The modern world values people who can be creative, communicate their ideas, and collaborate with others, but our children are not getting the chance to develop such skills.


  At school, our children experience a complete lack of autonomy and control. Every minute of a child's life is tightly controlled by a regimented itinerary.

In today's world, if you are doing important work, then you are managing your own time.

You are making your own decisions regarding what to do, and when to do it... but life at school looks very different.

The system is sending a dangerous message to our children:

That they are not in charge of their own lives;  they are only to follow whatever is laid down, instead of taking initiative, and making the most out of the resources they have. Experts believe autonomy is incredibly important for children, so it is no wonder, then, that children are bored and demotivated by school.

Can you imagine how you would feel if you were told exactly what to do for every moment of your life?


  Most of the learning that happens in school today is not authentic because it relies on memorization.
The system defines a generic set of knowledge that all children must know, and then every few months, we  measure how much has been maintained by administering exams 

We know that such learning is not authentic because most of it is gone the day after the exam.

Learning can be much deeper and much more authentic. It can be so much more than just memorization and retention...

  - but that's the only thing we measure... and test scores are the only thing we value.

This has created an extremely unhealthy culture for students, parents, and teachers.

Children are going through endless hours of tuitions, staying up all night memorizing useless facts that they will soon forget.


   We have an extremely standardized system where each child must learn the same thing, at the same time, in the same way, as everyone else. This doesn't respect the basic fact of being human. Each of us is unique and different in our own way. We all have different passions and interests, and the key to fulfillment in life is to find your passion.

But do the schools of today help our children find and develop their passion?

There seems to be  no room in the current education system for the most important questions in a child's life:  

                     What am I good at?  
                     What do I want to do in life? 
                     How do I fit in to this world? 

                     The system doesn't seem to care.

There are so many greatly talented people who failed in the traditional school system, and went on to accomplish incredible things. We have no measure for how much talent and how much potential goes unrecognized in the current school system today.


Each of us is also different in how we learn, in how much time we take to learn something, and what tools and resources work best for us;
however, the system allows no room for such differences.

So if you are a bit slow at learning something, you are considered a failure... 

     - when, perhaps all you might need, is a little more time.


In the current system, children are lectured for more than 5 hours per day, but there are a few big problems with lecturing...

Sal Khan (Khan Academy) calls lecturing "a fundamentally dehumanizing experience... thirty kids with fingers on their lips not allowed to interact with each other".

In any given classroom, different students are at different levels of understanding, so no matter what the teacher does, there are bound to be students who are either bored because they are ahead, or confused because they are behind

Because of the internet, and digital media, our children have, at their fingertips, all of the information in the world. Technology has made it possible for anyone to learn anything, but for fear of losing control, the system is not leveraging these incredible resources.

                                          - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Our system of education, which evolved in the industrial age, has become outdated and ineffective.

If we want to prepare our children for the modern world...

If we want learning to be effective and engaging, then there is no doubt that we need to fundamentally change our system of education.

"Changing Paradigms"  - Sir Ken Robinson 
           (a BIG thanks to the RSA for this sponsored content:)
In loving memory of  our dear friend, inspiration, and mentor, the late, great Sir Ken Robinson
A New York Times bestselling author, he led national and international projects on creative and cultural education across the world, unlocking and igniting the creative energy of people and organizations. Sir Ken Robinson was the most watched speaker in TED’s history, with his 2006 talk ‘Do Schools Kill Creativity?’ being viewed online over 60 million times, and seen by an estimated
380 million people in 160 countries.

He was named as one of Time/Fortune/CNN’s ‘Principal Voices’; acclaimed by Fast Company magazine as one of ‘the world’s elite thinkers on creativity and innovation’ and ranked in the Thinkers50 list of the world’s top business thinkers. In 2003, he received a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II for his services to the arts. We will be posting further updates as we honour his legacy, and help to facilitate the unfolding of Sir Ken Robinson’s vision.
How we are Making our Dream a Reality...
Distributed Literacy Initiative 
Supporters Receive Instant Access to Our 
Premiere Member's Club
Help us to deliver meaningful, advanced education programs, and  key resources, to youth around the globe, especially those facing economic, environmental, or socio-political crises. Our Goal is to equip over 100 million young people with direct access to an advanced learner-centered education on every continent by 2025.
What you can get as a Member: 

(a special Thank You from us for supporting the education 4.0 revolution)

Free Books from the World's Largest Online Library
Stop paying extortionate fees for University textbooks! 

This is your one-stop-shop for all things learning. 

Choose a FREE BOOK every month, from our prized selection of over 85 million+ books and other literary works.  Plus, enjoy unlimited book swaps with your peers. This means no more trips to the book store, and no more orders off of Amazon! 

Save space, lose the weight, and take more time off to spend with your loved ones. Pick out your favourite texts from our enormous selection of fiction, non-fiction, and even learn a new language with our bilingual collections!
Access to the Open Education Network
& Certified Degree Programs

Transform your career, Transform your Business, Transform Your Workforce.

Save tens of thousands of dollars on a meaningful education program, and complete it at your own pace, with qualified support.

With the world's largest collection of Massive Online Courses offered by the World's Top Universities, discover the fastest, most effective way to gain job-ready expertise for the careers of the future.
Access to Study Assemblies
You never need to study alone again.

Get stumped on a module? Lean on the support of your peers, and open discussions on course topics. Bridge new connections in understanding, and overcome disruptive learning breakdowns. Or practice your leadership skills, and be that pillar of support for one of your peers.

Find your community, and discuss the subjects you love. Share ideas, opinions, debates, and elevate each other through the magic of learning.
Plus you will get exclusive access to these
 Bonus #1: New Documentaries Posted Daily
We are dedicated to bringing you only the best documentaries - covering the most fascinating topics, by the most renowned filmmakers. 

Revel in compelling stories, accounts, and auto-biographies surrounding science, technology, environment, economics, culture, people, history, and more.

Our selection is handpicked by some of the most docu-savvy volunteers we've had the privilege of collaborating with, and is certified by the distributed educators council, so check in daily to see what's new in shop :)
Bonus #2: Admission to our Monthly Book Club
Distributed Literacy Initiative presents Monthly Book Club:

Ever finish a really great book or series and really want to talk about it, but none of your other friends have read it? 

We know the feeling.

Our Monthly Book Club is set up to accommodate room only for the most discussion-worthy book club picks each and every month, decided by you: the community. 
Enjoy group recommendations, giveaways, and reading challenges.

All kinds of minds are welcome and encouraged to take part :)
 Bonus #3: Admission to The DLI Book Exchange
Things are about to get LIVE!

Swap UNLIMITED books with the pacesetters of the book swapping community.

The DLI Book Exchange is now hosting book-swap parties regularly, providing a unique opportunity for readers to exchange books, learn of new titles, and obtain great literature pro bono. Why not try it out?

Get swapping today!

(after all, there's a little Robin Hood in all of us;)
 Bonus #4:  First Access to Handpicked Pocket Video Content
Never miss out on this weeks highlights again.

This is one of the most radical resources for news on the web. With priority access,  you can stay ahead of the curve with the most recent and up to date information.

We publish never-before-seen, top content right to the members area, six days per week. Put knowledge in your pocket!
How We Have Been Making our Dream a Reality...
Distributed Literacy Initiative 
Supporters Receive
Instant Access to Our 
Premiere Member's Club
Help us to deliver impactful learner-centered education programs and their related resources to youth around the globe, especially those facing socio-political, economic, or environmental crises.

Our Goal is to directly reach over 100 million young people on every continent by 2025.
What you will get as a Member: 

(a special Thank You from us for supporting the education 4.0 revolution)

Free Books from the 
World's Largest Online Library 
Stop paying extortionate fees for University textbooks!

This is your one-stop-shop for all things learning.

Choose a FREE BOOK every month from our prized selection of over 85 million+ books and other literary works.

Plus, enjoy unlimited book swaps with your peers. This means no more trips to the book store, and no more orders off of Amazon!

Save space, lose the weight, and take more time off to spend with your loved ones. Pick out your favourite texts from our enormous selection of fiction, non-fiction, and even learn a new language with our bilingual collections!
Access to our Open Education Network & Certified Degree Programs

Transform your career, Transform your Business, Transform your Workforce.

Save tens of thousands of dollars on a meaningful education program, and complete it at your own pace, with qualified support.

With the world's largest collection of Open Online Courses offered by the World's Top Universities, discover the fastest, most effective way to gain job-ready expertise for the careers of the future.
Access to Study Assemblies
You never need to study alone again.

Get stumped on a module? Lean on the support of your peers, and open discussions on course topics.

Bridge new connections in understanding, and overcome disruptive learning breakdowns.

Or practice your leadership skills, and be that pillar of support for one of your peers.

Find your community, and discuss the subjects you love.

Share ideas, opinions, debates, and elevate each other through the magic of learning.
Plus, if you register today you will get exclusive access to these
 Bonus #1: New Documentaries Posted Daily
We are dedicated to bringing you only the best documentaries - covering the most fascinating topics, by the most renowned filmmakers. 

Revel in compelling stories, accounts, and auto-biographies surrounding themes of science, technology, environment, economics, culture, people, history, and more.

Our selection is handpicked by our some of our most docu-savvy volunteers,  and certified by the distributed educators council, so check in daily to see what's new in shop.
Bonus #2: Admission to our Monthly Book Club
Distributed Literacy Initiative presents Monthly Book Club:

Ever finish a really great book or series and really want to talk about it, but none of your other friends have read it?

We know the feeling.

Our Monthly Book Club is set up to accommodate room only for the most discussion-worthy book club picks each and every month, decided by you: the community. Enjoy group recommendations, giveaways, and reading challenges.

All kinds of minds are welcome and encouraged to take part!
Bonus #3: Admission to The DLI Book Exchange
Things are about to get LIVE!!!

Swap UNLIMITED books with the pacesetters of the book swapping community.

The DLI Book Exchange is now hosting book-swap parties regularly, providing a unique opportunity for readers to exchange books, learn of new titles, and obtain literature without pro-bono. Why not try it out?

Get swapping today!

(after all, there's a little Robin Hood in all of us;)
 Bonus #4:
  First Access to Handpicked Pocket Video Content
Never miss out on this weeks highlights again.

This is one of the most radical resources for news on the web.

With priority access, you can stay ahead of the curve with the most recent and up to date information.

We publish never-before-seen, top content right to the members area, six days per week. Put knowledge in your pocket!
We feature the Most Powerful tools handpicked from leading organizations in the space guaranteed to bring the best resources on the internet right to your doorstep
The Distributed Literacy Initiative, and its affiliates, are on the front lines of forming Education 4.0. 
United, we are equipped with both the technology and the influence to help prepare new generations for the rapidly evolving world outside of school
You'll have access to top literature, courses, lessons,  programs, workbooks, and cheat sheets that you can use in any combination to best suit your learning preferences
We feature the Most Powerful tools handpicked from leading organizations in the space guaranteed to bring the best resources on the internet right to your doorstep
The Distributed Literacy Initiative, and its affiliates, are on the front lines of forming Education 4.0. 
United, we are equipped with both the technology and the influence to help prepare new generations for the rapidly evolving world outside of school
You'll have access to top literature, courses, lessons,  programs, workbooks, and cheat sheets that you can use in any combination to best suit your learning preferences
 +1 (650) 681 - 0275  -  -  100 Mayfield Ave, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States
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 100 Mayfield Ave, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States
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