About Us
The Distributed Literacy Initiative is a non-profit organization operating  at the forefront of the education revolution. We aim to raise the standard of curriculum programming around the world, and serve to enable access to information and other key resources essential for modern day learning. 

We partner with leading technology companies to transform industries, and teach young people critical skills for life, work, and relationships. By combining the best, most powerful digital education platforms with live 1-on-1 mentor support, even the busiest of learners can prepare themselves to take on the most demanding and the most in-demand  roles at rates unprecedented in traditional education models.

About Us
The Distributed Literacy Initiative is a non-profit organization operating  at the forefront of the education revolution.

We aim to raise the standard of curriculum programming all around the world, and serve to enable access to information and other key resources essential for modern day learning. 
We partner with leading technology companies to transform industries, and teach young people critical skills for life, work, and relationships. By combining the best, most powerful digital education platforms with live 1-on-1 mentor support,

even the busiest of learners can prepare themselves to
take on the most demanding and the most in-demand roles
at rates unprecedented in traditional education models.


Advanced Digital Learning Platforms

Our personalized and modular learning platforms are ranked among the best in the industry,  immersing the spirit of all learners directly into a self-perpetuated curriculum.

This powerful technology allows educators and students to co-create individual learning pathways, track and measure growth along the way, and enable meaningful engagement throughout the learning cycle.

Ecological Construction of Education Facilities

We design and build modernized education facilities with each learner at the core of our planning process.
The main goal of each construction project we undertake is to create a space that, rather that supplant nature, is one with it, feeding a regenerative loop that our engineers are using as the basis for the 2030 best construction and development practices framework for the UN.

On request, we can even build your education centre out of over 85% recycled materials! 

Strategic Professional Learning

We are helping Educators to become more effective, continually working with them to advance their approach to successfully empower students.

By using customized channels that lead to the articulation of compelling learner-centered outcomes, we support educators in developing preeminent instructional practices, and in curating the optimal climate for transformative change.
We envision a world where anyone, anywhere, has the power to transform their life through learning.
We serve to bridge gaps between people, resources, and of the ecosystems wherein we operate.
Our mission is to prepare young generations for the world of tomorrow. 
We envision a world where anyone, anywhere, has the power to transform their life through learning.
We serve to bridge gaps between people, resources, and of the ecosystems wherein we operate.
Our mission is to prepare young generations for the world of tomorrow. 


Advanced Digital Learning Platforms

Our personalized and modular learning platforms are ranked among the best in the industry,
immersing the spirit of all learners directly into a self-perpetuated curriculum.

This powerful technology allows educators and students to co-create individual learning pathways, track and measure growth along the way, and enable meaningful engagement throughout the learning cycle.

Strategic Professional Learning

We are helping educators to become more effective, continually working to advance their approach to successfully empower students.

By using customized channels that lead to the articulation of compelling learner-centered outcomes, we support educators in developing preeminent instructional practices, and in curating the optimal climate for transformative change.

Ecological Construction of Education Facilities

We design and build modernized education facilities with each learner at the heart of our planning process.
A key principle seated firmly underneath each of the construction projects we undertake is to contrive of spaces that, rather that supplant nature, are one with it, feeding a regenerative loop that our engineers are using as the basis for the 2030 best construction and development practices framework for the UN.

On request, we can even build your education centre utilizing over 85% recycled materials! 


Request ANY Novel, Textbook, Article, Encyclopedia, or other publication that you can't wait to get your hands on, and we will email it to you, at no cost!

 Request ANY Novel, Textbook, Article, Encyclopedia, or other publication
that you just can't wait to get your hands on, and we will email it to you, at no cost!

Request ANY Novel, Textbook, Article, Encyclopedia, or other publication that you can't wait to get your hands on, and we will email it to you, at no cost!


Request ANY Novel, Textbook, Article, Encyclopedia, or other publication
that you just can't wait to get your hands on, and we will email it to you, at no cost!

Our Philosophy : The Eight Primary Tenets
1.  Learner-Centered Education Programs    We've had it with cookie cutter approach to education; and that's why we are radically improving our personalized learning model
year-after-year. The system we have set up appeals to each student's natural talents and interests as they evolve and grow. This has been proven a defining factor in the success school systems have achieved in places like Finland

2. Teaching as a part of the learning process   We believe that teaching is a fundamental aspect of mastery regardless of the skillset, discipline, or school of thought at hand,
firmly maintaining our position that teaching is not a professor rattling a lecture off at 100 students, but rather a responsibility that any able-minded learner can clearly see the value in undertaking. At Distributed Literacy Initiative, our program is set up to inextricably incentivize every teacher's interest in each students success - the secret is all in the tech ;)

3. Renewal through constant innovation   According to our models, the actual paradigm-shift rate; the rate at which it takes critical mass to adopt new ideas, is doubling every decade.
It took us half a century to adopt the telephone: the first virtual-reality technology. Cell phones were adopted in about eight years. If you put different communication technologies on a logarithmic graph, televisions, radios, telephones... you can see that they were adopted in decades. Recent technologies, however, like the PC, the web, and cell phones each took under a decade. What data scientists have really been driving at is that technology, like  biology, is an evolutionary process -- it accelerates. They work through interaction. They create a capability, and then it uses that capability to bring on the next stage.  This is the model by which we are continually advancing our curriculums as we move forward through our design & evaluation cycle.
4.  Reciprocity of  value   We've all heard it before: "you get what you give". Clichés don't get old for a reason. Lest we forget that there is no win in life if you do not help others to win too. Deeply ingrained in the fabric of every culture, one can find the concept of fairness. It is this principle of earning the right to drink from the well you once dug; the principle of a natural and rewarding prosperity for those who give. That is why active members of our community, who contribute to our cause are paid residually for their efforts in helping us achieve our mission of extending meaningful, modernized education programs to youth all around the globe. It is also the secret behind how our learners are able to earn tuition-free access to certified degree programs.

5. Managing priorities for the modern day   The key is not to prioritize what's on the schedule - but to schedule the priorities. Enabling young people to learn how to manage their time is a critical facet of a productive education platform in today's world. Without it, those looking for a place in the workforce post-grad will sadly be left in the dust. One critical factor that has defined our success to date is the unique character of our programs which effectively engage children as young as five to create personalized learning pathways.

6. Mission & purpose driven education   Encouraging learners to orient their studies based on the results they would like to achieve establishes a healthy breeding ground for fostering a mindset of contribution. Many of us are tempted to take the easy route through life, never asking liberating questions like: "What does the world need of me?", or "How can I be of service to the lives of others?" Teaching young people to calibrate their own compass is one of the biggest things most modern school systems seem to miss. Our emphasis on subjective actualization is one of the things that has been most attractive to many parents switching their kids over to the alternative education programs that our members have been fine-tuning over the past decade.

7. Diversity integrated solutions   Many educators operating on secondary principles tend to clone themselves. They surround themselves with people like them... listen only to opinions that agree with their own... and have trouble tolerating differences of  background. Sameness is the culprit responsible for keeping individuals and organizations down, draining valuable energy.

A truly great education model seeks out diversity; because without diversity there is no synergy, and without synergy, nothing new happens. With respect to the consideration that the most successful organizations across the board thrive on the backbone of diversity,  our curriculums highlight the utility of seeking out peers with complimentary assets and values.
This space we've allotted in the curriculum sets learners up to develop the ability to work collaboratively with others.

8. Truth first; Integrity above all else   This is the core principle on which all of our other principles are built.  As the saying goes: "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything". Young people who grow up at a loss of integrity live and work in a world of seeming to be something they are not. They worry more about others see them than about who they are.
Living a false life can have traumatic consequences on one's conscience, and those people who rely on them... True integrity is about what is;  not about what seems to be.
At Distributed Literacy Initiative, we teach learners early on to centre, not just their education, but their entire lives - on this principle.

This concept can be found laced throughout a plethora of texts from nearly every region of the world, in nearly every era of human civilization, dating back thousands of years.
Even Shakespeare's Hamlet professed "Suit the action to the word, the word to the action."
With what we have seen right out of the gates in the past few years, the technology we have been so incredibly blessed to pilot in dozens of alternative schools throughout New York and Los Angeles has been showing extraordinarily promising results. Every year, we are seeing much more than a year's worth of progress as compared to the national grade averages in state sanctioned schools operating around the United States.

As we continue to partner with leading technology companies to transform industries, we are expanding our dynamism in the space by providing a greater repertoire of tools and resources for our learners to employ. Using strategies proven and tested by some of the most successful organizations found across a diverse field of landscapes, we aim to deliver a first-rate standard of education to students at a small fraction of the budget that most conventional schools require just to stay open. Over time, as we incrementally achieve greater exposure, we will proportionally be dedicating a graduated percentage of our resources to serving a focus on rural districts, particularly in communities most affected by socio-political, environmental, and economic crises.   

Right now, it is our chief objective to provide direct support to 100 million learners, in over 85 countries, by 2025. However, in order to scale our operation in the direction of maintaining the capacity to provide this degree of training & literacy to all  young people both at home and abroad, we need your support. 

Please donate , become a member, or consider  volunteer opportunities, if you are interested in standing as a leader of the education revolution.
Members of Distributed Literacy Initiative will be able to opt-in to receive regular email updates with exactly where we are at on our roadmap to success.

For any inquiries you may have, please email info@distributedliteracyinitiative.com 
Our Philosophy

The Eights Tenets

1.  Learner-Centered Education Programs    We've had it with cookie cutter approach to education; and that's why we are radically improving our personalized learning model
year-after-year. The system we have set up appeals to each student's natural talents and interests as they evolve and grow. This has been proven a defining factor in the success school systems have achieved in places like Finland

2. Teaching as a part of the learning process   We believe that teaching is a fundamental aspect of mastery regardless of the skillset, discipline, or school of thought at hand,
firmly maintaining our position that teaching is not a professor rattling a lecture off at 100 students, but rather a responsibility that any able-minded learner can clearly see the value in undertaking. At Distributed Literacy Initiative, our program is set up to inextricably incentivize every teacher's interest in each students success - the secret is all in the tech ;)

3. Renewal through constant innovation   According to our models, the actual paradigm-shift rate; the rate at which it takes critical mass to adopt new ideas, is doubling every decade.
It took us half a century to adopt the telephone: the first virtual-reality technology. Cell phones were adopted in about eight years. If you put different communication technologies on a logarithmic graph, televisions, radios, telephones... you can see that they were adopted in decades. Recent technologies, however, like the PC, the web, and cell phones each took under a decade. What data scientists have really been driving at is that technology, like  biology, is an evolutionary process -- it accelerates. They work through interaction. They create a capability, and then it uses that capability to bring on the next stage.  This is the model by which we are continually advancing our curriculums as we move forward through our
design & evaluation cycle.
4.  Reciprocity of  value   We've all heard it before:
"you get what you give". Clichés don't get old for a reason. Lest we forget that there is no win in life if you do not help others to win too. Deeply ingrained in the fabric of every culture, one can find the concept of fairness. It is this principle of earning the right to drink from the well you once dug; the principle of a natural and rewarding prosperity for those who give. That is why active members of our community, who contribute to our cause are paid residually for their efforts in helping us achieve our mission of extending meaningful, modernized education programs to youth all around the globe. It is also the secret behind how our learners are able to earn tuition-free access to certified degree programs.

5. Managing priorities for the modern day   The key is not to prioritize what's on the schedule - but to schedule the priorities. Enabling young people to learn how to manage their time is a critical facet of a productive education platform in today's world. Without it, those looking for a place in the workforce post-grad will sadly be left in the dust. One critical factor that has defined our success to date is the unique character of our programs which effectively engage children as young as five to create personalized learning pathways.

6. Mission & purpose driven education   Encouraging learners to orient their studies based on the results they would like to achieve establishes a healthy breeding ground for fostering a mindset of contribution. Many of us are tempted to take the easy route through life, never asking liberating questions like: "What does the world need of me?", or "How can I be of service to the lives of others?" Teaching young people to calibrate their own compass is one of the biggest things most modern school systems seem to miss. Our emphasis on subjective actualization is one of the things that has been most attractive to many parents switching their kids over to the alternative education programs that our members have been fine-tuning over the past decade.

7. Diversity integrated solutions   Many educators operating on secondary principles tend to clone themselves. They surround themselves with people like them... listen only to opinions that agree with their own... and have trouble tolerating differences of  background. Sameness is the culprit responsible for keeping individuals and organizations down, draining valuable energy.

A truly great education model seeks out diversity; because without diversity there is no synergy, and without synergy, nothing new happens. With respect to the consideration that the most successful organizations across the board thrive on the backbone of diversity,  our curriculums highlight the utility of seeking out peers with complimentary assets and values.
This space we've allotted in the curriculum sets learners up to develop the ability to work collaboratively with others  -
at a capacity far higher than their millennial counterparts

8. Truth first; Integrity above all else   This is the core principle on which all of our other principles are built.  As the saying goes: "If you don't stand for something, you will fall for everything". Young people who grow up at a loss of integrity live and work in a world of seeming to be something they are not. They worry more about others see them than about who they are. Living a false life can have traumatic consequences on one's conscience, and those people who rely on them... True integrity is about what is;  not about what seems to be.

At Distributed Literacy Initiative, we teach learners early on
to centre, not just their education, but their entire life
on this principle.

This concept can be found laced throughout a plethora of texts from nearly every region of the world, in nearly every era of human civilization, dating back thousands of years.

Even Shakespeare's Hamlet professed:
"Suit the action to the word, the word to the action."
Recent Campaigns
With what we have seen right out of the gates in the past few years, the technology we have been so incredibly blessed to pilot in dozens of alternative schools throughout New York and Los Angeles has been showing extraordinarily promising results. Every year, we are seeing much more than a year's worth of progress as compared to the national grade averages in state sanctioned schools operating around the United States.

As we continue to partner with leading technology companies to transform industries, we are expanding our dynamism in the space by providing a greater repertoire of tools and resources for our learners to employ. Using strategies proven and tested by some of the most successful organizations around, we aim to deliver a first-rate standard of education to students at a small fraction of the budget that most conventional schools require just to stay open. Over time, as we incrementally achieve a greater exposure, we will proportionally be dedicating a graduated percentage of our resources to serving a focus on rural districts, particularly in communities most affected by socio-political, environmental, and economic crises.   

Right now, it is our chief objective to provide advanced educational assets to 100 million learners, in over 85 countries, by 2025. However, in order to scale our operation in this direction; and maintain the capacity to provide this degree of literacy & training to all  young people, both at home and abroad, we need your support. 

Please donate , become a member, or consider  volunteer opportunities, if you are interested in standing as a leader of the education revolution.
Members of Distributed Literacy Initiative will be able to opt-in to receive regular email updates with exactly where we are at on our roadmap to success.

For any inquiries you may have, please email info@distributedliteracyinitiative.com 
With what we have seen right out of the gates in the past few years, the technology we have been so incredibly blessed to pilot in dozens of alternative schools throughout New York and Los Angeles has been showing extraordinarily promising results. Every year, we are seeing much more than a year's worth of progress as compared to the national grade averages in state sanctioned schools operating around the United States.

As we continue to partner with leading technology companies to transform industries, we are expanding our dynamism in the space by providing a greater repertoire of tools and resources for our learners to employ. Using strategies proven and tested by some of the most successful organizations found across a diverse field of landscapes, we aim to deliver a first-rate standard of education to students at a small fraction of the budget that most conventional schools require just to stay open. Over time, as we incrementally achieve greater exposure, we will proportionally be dedicating a graduated percentage of our resources to serving a focus on rural districts, particularly in communities most affected by socio-political, environmental, and economic crises.   

Right now, it is our chief objective to provide direct support to 100 million learners, in over 85 countries, by 2025. However, in order to scale our operation in the direction of maintaining the capacity to provide this degree of training & literacy to all  young people both at home and abroad, we need your support. 

Please donate , become a member, or consider  volunteer opportunities, if you are interested in standing as a leader of the education revolution.
Members of Distributed Literacy Initiative will be able to opt-in to receive regular email updates with exactly where we are at on our roadmap to success.

For any inquiries you may have, please email info@distributedliteracyinitiative.com 
Recent Campaigns
With what we have seen right out of the gates in the past few years, the technology we have been so incredibly blessed to pilot in dozens of alternative schools throughout New York and Los Angeles has been showing extraordinarily promising results. Every year, we are seeing much more than a year's worth of progress as compared to the national grade averages in state-sanctioned schools operating around the country.

As we continue to partner with leading technology companies to transform industries, we are beginning to expand our dynamism in the space by providing a greater repertoire of tools and resources for our learners. Using strategies proven and tested by some of the most successful organizations around, we aim to deliver a first-rate standard of education to students at a small fraction of the budget that most conventional schools require just to stay open. 

Over time, as we incrementally achieve greater exposure, we will proportionally be dedicating a graduated percentage of our resources to serving a focus on rural districts, particularly in communities most affected by socio-political, environmental, and economic crises.   

Right now, it is our chief objective to provide direct support to 100 million learners, in over 85 countries, by 2025. However, in order to scale our operation in this direction; and maintain the capacity to provide this degree of literacy & training to all young people, both at home and abroad, we need your support.

Please donate , become a member, or consider
 volunteer opportunities, if you are interested in standing with us as a leader of the education revolution.

Members of Distributed Literacy Initiative will be able to opt-in to receive regular email updates with exactly where we are at on our roadmap to success.

For any inquiries you may have, please email info@distributedliteracyinitiative.com 
 +1 (650) 681 0275  - 100 Mayfield Ave, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States  -  info@distributedliteracyinitiative.org
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+1 (650) 681 - 0275
 100 Mayfield Ave, Mountain View, CA 94043
© Copyright 2020 - All Rights Reserved 
 Distributed Literacy Initiative
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